15.3 8:00 AM 08:00 – 15.3 6:00 PM 18:00
Yellow wind warning for land areas: Locally in over the whole country, Sat 10.00 - 20.00 Wind warning for land areas: Strong winds from southwest may bring strong gusts of 20 m/s starting before noon. Areas: Central Finland, Central Ostrobothnia, Etelä-Savo, Kanta-Häme, Kymenlaakso, North Karelia, Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Pohjois-Savo, Päijät-Häme, Satakunta, South Karelia, South Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi
FMI Open Data
16.3 0:00 AM 00:00 – 16.3 4:00 PM 16:00
Yellow wind warning for land areas: Locally in the western part of the country, Sun 2.00 - 18.00 Wind warning for land areas: Probability for strong winds from northwest is 30% from the night between Saturday and Sunday to Sunday evening. Wind gusts can exceed 20 m/s. Areas: Kanta-Häme, Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta, South Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Åland
FMI Open Data
16.3 1:00 PM 13:00 – 16.3 10:00 PM 22:00
Yellow traffic weather warning: The western part of the country, Sun 15.00 - Mon 0.00 Traffic weather warning: From Sunday noon to the night between Sunday and Monday, probability for bad road conditions is 40% because of snow. Areas: Central Finland, Central Ostrobothnia, Kanta-Häme, Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Päijät-Häme, Satakunta, South Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Åland
FMI Open Data
15.3 10:00 PM 22:00 – 16.3 1:00 PM 13:00
Yellow traffic weather warning: Locally in over the whole country, Sun 0.00 - 15.00 Traffic weather warning: From the night between Saturday and Sunday to Sunday noon, probability for bad road conditions is 30% because of snow or sleet. Areas: Central Ostrobothnia, Etelä-Savo, Kainuu, Kanta-Häme, Kymenlaakso, North Ostrobothnia, Ostrobothnia, Pirkanmaa, Päijät-Häme, Satakunta, South Karelia, South Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi
FMI Open DataJärgmised 24 tundi
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+18° 64°
+7° 45°
+5° 41°
+12° 54°
+27° 81°
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Birni N Konni, Nigēra
+42.5° 109°
Kangiwa, Nigērija
+41.8° 107°
San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán, Gvatemala
+27° 81°
Cuicatlan, Meksika
+20.2° 68°
Sŭngjibaegam, Ziemeļkoreja
-0.4° 31°
Zyryanovsk, Kazahstāna
-17.9° 0°
Longjērbīene, Norvēģija
-23° -9°
Deering, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis
-26° -15°
Paulatuk, Kanāda
-34.3° -30°
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