Hoiatused, Kaderna


14.12 1:45 PM 13:45 – 15.12 1:42 PM 13:42

14.12 püsib rannikualadel edelatuul 15, puhanguti 21 m/s, hilisõhtul pöördub läände ja loodesse. 15.12 hommikul tugevneb loodetuul puhanguti kuni 23 m/s. 15.12 hommikul läheb vihmasadu üle lörtsiks ja lumeks. Talvise sajuga kaasneb tuisk. Loode poolt alates langevad õhutemperatuurid alla nulli ja teeolud muutuvad väga halvaks!

Estonia weather Service


14.12 1:45 PM 13:45 – 15.12 1:42 PM 13:42

14.12 püsib rannikualadel edelatuul 15, puhanguti 21 m/s, hilisõhtul pöördub läände ja loodesse. 15.12 hommikul tugevneb loodetuul puhanguti kuni 23 m/s. 15.12 hommikul läheb vihmasadu üle lörtsiks ja lumeks. Talvise sajuga kaasneb tuisk. Loode poolt alates langevad õhutemperatuurid alla nulli ja teeolud muutuvad väga halvaks!

Estonia weather Service

High waves

14.12 10:00 PM 22:00 – 15.12 10:00 AM 10:00

Orange wave height warning: Locally on all sea areas, Sun 0.00 - 12.00 Wave height warning: Very rough waves occur from the midnight on. Significant wave height exceeds 4 meters. Areas: Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Northern Sea of Bothnia, Sea of Åland, Southern Sea of Bothnia, Western part of Northern Baltic

FMI Open Data


14.12 3:32 PM 15:32 – 14.12 10:00 PM 22:00

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Sat 17.32 - Sun 0.00 Wind warning for sea areas: Southwest near gale 15 m/s at first. Areas: Eastern Gulf of Finland, Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Western Gulf of Finland, Western part of Northern Baltic

FMI Open Data


16.12 10:00 PM 22:00 – 17.12 9:55 PM 21:55

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Tue 0.00 - 23.55 Wind warning for sea areas: From the night between Monday and Tuesday to the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, probability for west to northwest gale-force winds is 30%. Areas: Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Northern Sea of Bothnia, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Southern Sea of Bothnia, Western Gulf of Finland, Western part of Northern Baltic

FMI Open Data


14.12 10:00 PM 22:00 – 15.12 9:00 AM 09:00

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Sun 0.00 - 11.00 Wind warning for sea areas: Northwest gale 19 m/s from the midnight on. Areas: Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Sea of Archipelago, Southern Sea of Bothnia

FMI Open Data


15.12 10:00 PM 22:00 – 16.12 6:00 AM 06:00

Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Mon 0.00 - 8.00 Wind warning for sea areas: In the night between Sunday and Monday and in Monday morning, probability for south to southwest gale-force winds is 30%. Areas: Eastern part of Northern Baltic, Northern Bay of Bothnia, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Southern Bay of Bothnia, The Quark, Western part of Northern Baltic

FMI Open Data

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